
Request 1185182 accepted

- Create doc subpackage with _multibuild to move
python3-sphnix-autodoc-typehints build requirement out of ring1
- Update to 7.0.0:
* BREAKING CHANGE: drop support for python 3.7 (#2436)
* feat: add curie method to NamespaceManager (#2365)
* feat: add optional target_graph argument to Graph.cbd and use it for
DESCRIBE queries (#2322)
* feat: Don't generate prefixes for unknown URIs (#2467)
* feat: Longturtle improvements (#2500)
* fix: SPARQL count with optionals (#2448)
* fix: GROUP_CONCAT handling of empty separator (issue) (#2474)
* fix: add NORMALIZE_LITERALS to rdflib.__all__ (#2489)
* fix: correct imports and __all__ (#2340)
* fix: dbpedia URL to use https instead of http (#2444)
* fix: eliminate bare except: (#2350)
* fix: eliminate some mutable default arguments in SPARQL code (#2301)
* fix: formatting of SequencePath and AlternativePath (#2504)
* fix: handling of rdf:HTML literals (#2490)
* fix: HTTP 308 Permanent Redirect status code handling (#2389)
* fix: lexical-to-value mapping of rdf:HTML literals (#2483)
* fix: TriG handling of GRAPH keyword without a graph ID (#2469)
* fix: TriG parser error handling for nested graphs (#2468)
- Switch to autosetup and pyproject macros.
- Shift docs build to the install phase, the module needs to be queryable.
- Drop patch reproducible.patch, included.

Request History
Daniel Garcia's avatar

dgarcia created request

- Create doc subpackage with _multibuild to move
python3-sphnix-autodoc-typehints build requirement out of ring1
- Update to 7.0.0:
* BREAKING CHANGE: drop support for python 3.7 (#2436)
* feat: add curie method to NamespaceManager (#2365)
* feat: add optional target_graph argument to Graph.cbd and use it for
DESCRIBE queries (#2322)
* feat: Don't generate prefixes for unknown URIs (#2467)
* feat: Longturtle improvements (#2500)
* fix: SPARQL count with optionals (#2448)
* fix: GROUP_CONCAT handling of empty separator (issue) (#2474)
* fix: add NORMALIZE_LITERALS to rdflib.__all__ (#2489)
* fix: correct imports and __all__ (#2340)
* fix: dbpedia URL to use https instead of http (#2444)
* fix: eliminate bare except: (#2350)
* fix: eliminate some mutable default arguments in SPARQL code (#2301)
* fix: formatting of SequencePath and AlternativePath (#2504)
* fix: handling of rdf:HTML literals (#2490)
* fix: HTTP 308 Permanent Redirect status code handling (#2389)
* fix: lexical-to-value mapping of rdf:HTML literals (#2483)
* fix: TriG handling of GRAPH keyword without a graph ID (#2469)
* fix: TriG parser error handling for nested graphs (#2468)
- Switch to autosetup and pyproject macros.
- Shift docs build to the install phase, the module needs to be queryable.
- Drop patch reproducible.patch, included.

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anag+factory set openSUSE:Factory:Staging:G as a staging project

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:G"

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Picked "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:G"

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:G got accepted.

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:G got accepted.

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anag+factory accepted request

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:G got accepted.

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