Request 1188513 accepted
- update to 0.8.2:
* Better MPRIS Clapper support
* Clapper GIF looping
* Hid Clapper's media controls for GIFs
* Blur + greyscale + no cache for admin reports' attachment to protect them
from illegal and disturbing media
* Status name button tooltip
* Signed int multiplication overflow
* Mini-profile padding
* Profile cover focus ring
* Media Viewer crashes due to Graphics Offload by setting it to false by
default until GTK 4.16
* Websocket events being unnecessarily url decoded
* Random crash when navigating back
* Notification count not being updated after network reconnection
* Admin report dialogs not being able to close without taking an action
- switch to meson build system
Request History
rrahl0 created request
- update to 0.8.2:
* Better MPRIS Clapper support
* Clapper GIF looping
* Hid Clapper's media controls for GIFs
* Blur + greyscale + no cache for admin reports' attachment to protect them
from illegal and disturbing media
* Status name button tooltip
* Signed int multiplication overflow
* Mini-profile padding
* Profile cover focus ring
* Media Viewer crashes due to Graphics Offload by setting it to false by
default until GTK 4.16
* Websocket events being unnecessarily url decoded
* Random crash when navigating back
* Notification count not being updated after network reconnection
* Admin report dialogs not being able to close without taking an action
- switch to meson build system
rrahl0 accepted request