
Request 1188714 revoked

- Drop all usage of supplements. Git and it's subpackages are aimed
for developers, and we should not autoinstall packages for this
group of users.


Request History
Bjørn Lie's avatar

iznogood created request

- Drop all usage of supplements. Git and it's subpackages are aimed
for developers, and we should not autoinstall packages for this
group of users.

Antonio Teixeira's avatar

ateixeira declined request

Thanks for the contribution but I disagree with the reasoning here.
I don't see why a package being targeted at developers should mean that we should drop all usage of Supplements, unless that is an official packaging guideline that I'm not aware of?
I would probably agree with removing some of these, particularly git-svn and git-cvs, which I believe (and this is a guess with no data to back it up) to not be needed by most users, but I think there is value in recommending the installation of git-gui by default, for example, as some less experienced developers might not be aware of the existence of this package, while being interested in some sort of GUI frontend for git. Same goes for gitk. Furthermore, it should be fairly easy for people that don't wish to install these subpackages to use the "--no-recommends" flag when installing git.
For now I'm declining this. But feel free to reach out to me or to reopen this request if you disagree and would like to discuss this further.

Bjørn Lie's avatar

iznogood revoked request

The source project 'home:iznogood:branches:devel:tools:scm' has been removed

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