
Request 1189624 revoked

- Remove CVE-2023-41040.patch, test-skips.patch, test_blocking_lock_file-extra-time.patch as they're applied upstream.
- Update to 3.1.43
* Fix CVE-2024-22190
* Fix version_info cache invalidation, typing, parsing, and serialization
* Improve static typing and docstrings related to git object types
* Updating regex pattern to handle unicode whitespaces. by
* Replace all wildcard imports with explicit imports
* Remove test dependency on sumtypes library
* fix: treeNotSorted issue
- For a full changelog, see: https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython/releases/tag/3.1.43

Request History
Angel Yankov's avatar

ayankov created request

- Remove CVE-2023-41040.patch, test-skips.patch, test_blocking_lock_file-extra-time.patch as they're applied upstream.
- Update to 3.1.43
* Fix CVE-2024-22190
* Fix version_info cache invalidation, typing, parsing, and serialization
* Improve static typing and docstrings related to git object types
* Updating regex pattern to handle unicode whitespaces. by
* Replace all wildcard imports with explicit imports
* Remove test dependency on sumtypes library
* fix: treeNotSorted issue
- For a full changelog, see: https://github.com/gitpython-developers/GitPython/releases/tag/3.1.43

Markéta Machová's avatar

mcalabkova declined request

now I noticed there is a _service file, please modify it too

Angel Yankov's avatar

ayankov revoked request

The source project 'home:ayankov:branches:devel:languages:python' has been removed

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