
Request 1189813 superseded

- changed license from Gpl-2.0 to Gpl-3.0
- Version bump to VirtualBox 7.0.20 (released July 16 2024 by Oracle))
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
TPM: Fixed errors appearing the event viewer with Windows guests
macOS Hosts: Fixed passing USB devices to the VM (bug #21218)
Audio: Fixed recording with HDA emulation after newer Windows 10 / 11 guests got rebooted
USB: Fixed a deadlock in OHCI triggered when saving the current state of a VM or taking a snapshot (bug #22059)
Linux Guest and Host: Introduced initial support for OpenSuse 15.6 kernel
Linux Guest and Host: Introduced initial support for RHEL 9.5 kernel (bug #22099)
Guest Additions: Shared Clipboard: Fixed issue when extra new lines were pasted when copying text between Win and X11 (bug #21716)
UEFI Secure Boot: Add new Microsoft certificates to list for new VMs


Ana Guerrero's avatar

@favogt @RBrownSUSE This change seems to need an update of openSUSE-MicroOS ? can you take a look please?

for openSUSE-MicroOS:VirtualBox

unresolvable: have choice for virtualbox-kmp = 7.0.18 needed by virtualbox-guest-tools: virtualbox-kmp-default virtualbox-kmp-longterm
Request History
Larry Rainey's avatar

larryr created request

- changed license from Gpl-2.0 to Gpl-3.0
- Version bump to VirtualBox 7.0.20 (released July 16 2024 by Oracle))
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
TPM: Fixed errors appearing the event viewer with Windows guests
macOS Hosts: Fixed passing USB devices to the VM (bug #21218)
Audio: Fixed recording with HDA emulation after newer Windows 10 / 11 guests got rebooted
USB: Fixed a deadlock in OHCI triggered when saving the current state of a VM or taking a snapshot (bug #22059)
Linux Guest and Host: Introduced initial support for OpenSuse 15.6 kernel
Linux Guest and Host: Introduced initial support for RHEL 9.5 kernel (bug #22099)
Guest Additions: Shared Clipboard: Fixed issue when extra new lines were pasted when copying text between Win and X11 (bug #21716)
UEFI Secure Boot: Add new Microsoft certificates to list for new VMs

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined review

A patch (fixes_for_vboxconfig.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fixes_for_sle12.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-deprec-gsoap-service-proxies.diff) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fixes_for_leap.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-smc-napa.diff) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (virtualbox-sed-params.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-fpie.diff) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (security_fixes.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-default-os-type.diff) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fixes_for_qt5.13.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (smap.diff) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fix_7.0.6_locking_problems.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fix_conflict_between_host_and_guest.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fix-missing-includes-with-qt-5.15.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-python-selection.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-no-build-dates.diff) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (modify_for_4_8_bo_move.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fixes_for_makefile.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (VirtualBox-5.2.10-xclient.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fixes_for_leap15.6.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (gcc5-real-support.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-python-py310.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-gsoapssl-deps.diff) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (python311.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-disable-updates.diff) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (libxml21206.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fix_for_leap15.5.patch) is being added without this addition being mentioned in the changelog.

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined request

A patch (fixes_for_vboxconfig.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fixes_for_sle12.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-deprec-gsoap-service-proxies.diff) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fixes_for_leap.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-smc-napa.diff) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (virtualbox-sed-params.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-fpie.diff) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (security_fixes.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-default-os-type.diff) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fixes_for_qt5.13.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (smap.diff) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fix_7.0.6_locking_problems.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fix_conflict_between_host_and_guest.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fix-missing-includes-with-qt-5.15.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-python-selection.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-no-build-dates.diff) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (modify_for_4_8_bo_move.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fixes_for_makefile.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (VirtualBox-5.2.10-xclient.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fixes_for_leap15.6.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (gcc5-real-support.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-python-py310.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-gsoapssl-deps.diff) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (python311.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (vbox-disable-updates.diff) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (libxml21206.patch) is being deleted without this removal being mentioned in the changelog.
A patch (fix_for_leap15.5.patch) is being added without this addition being mentioned in the changelog.

Jan Engelhardt's avatar

jengelh superseded request

superseded by 1204228

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