Request 1190372 accepted
- Update to 1.26:
* Proper integration with Arch
* Inclusion of a vng manpage
* The host's /tmp is now also visible from the guest
* A new --configitem option that allows to quickly change specific
kernel config options (with --build)
* Bug fixes
- Remove 0001-virtme-ng-fix-virtiofsd-search-path-on-openSUSE.patch
Request History
jubalh created request
- Update to 1.26:
* Proper integration with Arch
* Inclusion of a vng manpage
* The host's /tmp is now also visible from the guest
* A new --configitem option that allows to quickly change specific
kernel config options (with --build)
* Bug fixes
- Remove 0001-virtme-ng-fix-virtiofsd-search-path-on-openSUSE.patch
michals accepted request