
Request 1191336 new

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Georg Pfuetzenreuter's avatar


any explanation for this? Usually packages in this project are maintained by people who also maintain the respective service in the openSUSE infrastructure. Do you want to become the maintainer of our Step CA deployment? ;-)

Georg Pfuetzenreuter's avatar

Also, the package is linked from home:darix:apps, ideally patches should be submitted there or at least coordinated with Marcus as to not have conflicts later.

Johannes Kastl's avatar

Oh, it is actually a link, not just branched? Then it might make sense to submit SRs to darix package in the first place.

Johannes Kastl's avatar

Or it might make sense to maintain them in the security project and have oS:infrastructure just link there.

But that is up to you (the team) to decide.

Johannes Kastl's avatar

Sorry, I forgot the comment. I was talking to darix on submitting step-cli to Tumbleweed. Which I had packaged, submitted to the security project and sent a SR to Factory. See SR#1186955 and SR#1191257.

We agreed on removing "my" package from the security project and instead submit the one from oS:infrastructure.

Hence I would like to help with maintaining both packages.

Georg Pfuetzenreuter's avatar

Sorry, but I'm not sure this is right.

I do not think openSUSE:infrastructure should qualify as a devel project for development and subsequent submissions directly to Factory.

Rather, we prefer to link from Factory to openSUSE:infrastructure if a package is missing from (or not new enough in) the backports for Leap.

Some packages which are neither in backports nor in Factory we link from darix or package directly here.

The packages here should ideally be stable too, we even have a rule to avoid installations directly from devel projects in our policy: https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Infrastructure_policy. That would become interesting if our project becomes a devel project itself. ;-)

I think the packages in question here should be maintained in a proper devel project and submitted to Factory. Of course, feel free to submit it from here to such a devel project and we can adjust the link once in Factory.

Johannes Kastl's avatar

Then I would propose the following:

  • We submit darix' step-cli and step-ca packages to the security project
  • (I revoke SR#1191339)
  • We submit them to Tumbleweed from there
  • We change the link in oS:infrastructure to point to Factory
  • Darix and me (and whoever else is involved) can maintain the packages in the security project

@darix, @crameleon, what do you guys think?

Georg Pfuetzenreuter's avatar

That sounds perfect to me!

Johannes Kastl's avatar

Darix' state of the package is submitted to security in SR#1191507

Georg Pfuetzenreuter's avatar

Also, I appreciate your effort in getting it to Factory! Don't mean to block it.

Johannes Kastl's avatar

Thanks, but no worries, I was not interpreting this a blocking at all.

Johannes Kastl's avatar

SR#1200973 sends step-cli to Factory.

@darix: I am not allowed to submit your step-ca package to security, would you do the honours? I can help maintaining.

Request History
Johannes Kastl's avatar

ojkastl_buildservice created request

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