
Request 1191616 accepted

new package forgejo-runner: a daemon that connects to a Forgejo instance and runs jobs for continous integration

Martin Pluskal's avatar

Inline comment for target: 'devel:tools:scm/forgejo-runner', file: 'forgejo-runner.spec', and line: 99.

ahem ...

Johannes Kastl's avatar

You mean the %check section? I know it is only a version check, but it makes sure that the version is correctly set (which due to changing ldflags can get messed up).

And I have not found actual tests to run in the repository...

Johannes Kastl's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

@rrahl0 FYI

Currently only the actual binary, I will start digging for a systemd service file that could be used.

Also currently without any dependencies on docker/podman etc., as have not setup a proper runner instance yet.

Request History
Johannes Kastl's avatar

ojkastl_buildservice created request

new package forgejo-runner: a daemon that connects to a Forgejo instance and runs jobs for continous integration

Martin Pluskal's avatar

pluskalm accepted request

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