
Request 1191638 accepted

please don't accept

Richard Rahl's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

So I know this is quite radical, but I wanted to hear your opinion on this.

About the _service file: I do like to rename the file to %{pkg_name} and .git gets autoexcluded. using refs/tags/%{version} helps imo to specify that it is actually a tag, not a branch.

about the spec file itself, I added podman/docker with service file and fixed the wrong zsh completions directory. additionally I removed the Requires: completions as it's not necessary to include this. and if somebody wants to install the completions without the package itself, so let him do that :3.

Removed the Group: line as rpm deprecates it in the future anyway (which should happen in rpm 4.20).

Johannes Kastl's avatar

About the _service file: I do like to rename the file to %{pkg_name} and .git gets autoexcluded. using refs/tags/%{version} helps imo to specify that it is actually a tag, not a branch.

Using refs/tags/... sounds like a good idea. Using the filename is neat, I tried this years ago and failed so I just kept using the basename or archive for other services.

I tend to keep the exclude for .git to make it clear for unexperienced readers that this is being excluded.

Richard Rahl's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

hm, wouldn't it make it more clear to use package-meta=no?

Johannes Kastl's avatar

IMHO on the contrary, who understands what this options means? If it were "package-metadata" or "package-scm-metadata" at least, but package-meta is a misnomer.

Richard Rahl's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

I mean I would add a comment about that this is the git metadata. on the other hand when excluding .git, people would think that removing that line actually adds it

Johannes Kastl's avatar

Removed the Group: line as rpm deprecates it in the future anyway (which should happen in rpm 4.20).

It spits out warnings on SLE/Leap 15.x and did not harm yet. So I had it in my copy&paste templates for completion subpackages. But I won't object to removing it.

Johannes Kastl's avatar

about the spec file itself, I added podman/docker with service file

Thanks, I'll take a closer look and see what you did.

and fixed the wrong zsh completions directory.

Huh? I have that in dozens of other packages, so either both are working or there not many zsh users actually using the completions... :-)

additionally I removed the Requires: completions as it's not necessary to include this. and if somebody wants to install the completions without the package itself, so let him do that :3.

I think it is just good packaging style to add them. Of course, allowing the user to shoot herself in the foot is nice, but those lines do not harm.

Richard Rahl's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

idk, I only ever met one person who installed the -bash-completions to actually install the package. and zypper autoinstalls the bash completions when you install the packge. (as long as bash-completion is installed)

Richard Rahl's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

on the topic of zsh. when rpm -ql the package that directory doesn't exist. and my own package (tailscale) has is somewhere else

Johannes Kastl's avatar

I'll write a mail to the packaging list to clarify this. If there really is a wrong directory, I have that in dozens of my packages...

Johannes Kastl's avatar

Uuuh, forgot the most important things:

Thanks for checking and taking the time to come up with this! :-)

Johannes Kastl's avatar

%define __arch_install_post export NO_BRP_STRIP_DEBUG=true

I started a discussion last year (on the packaging or go list) but this lead nowhere and I got no result, but apparently this line was necessary for $REASONS long ago. No one know if it is still needed...

Richard Rahl's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

I have never seen this, and even the go_nostrip is not used anymore

Johannes Kastl's avatar

20+BuildRequires: bash-completion 21+BuildRequires: fish 22+BuildRequires: zsh

Those are not necessary.

Richard Rahl's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

these are required because I was told my multiple people (can't remember who) that a directory should never be owned by multiple packages. which means you need them, so the directories are owned (and the package builds)

this is why fedora has -filesystem packages

Johannes Kastl's avatar

I was told some years ago that zypper does no longer throw a fit if two packages own the same directory. :-)

But I won't object to adding them, does not make a big difference in the builds duration I guess.

Richard Rahl's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

tbf, if I have the possibility to choose, I would rather have not 2 packages owning one directory ;). less stuff can break

Johannes Kastl's avatar

As I said, I would not object.

Johannes Kastl's avatar

I'll go through your changes this evening and cherry-pick/accept them according to our discussions above.

Wanna co-maintain this package with me?

Richard Rahl's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

sure, I do actually like maintaining the whole stack of most stuff I maintain, as otherwise you get always in some issues with "you need to update package x before your package can get updated"

Request History
Richard Rahl's avatar

rrahl0 created request

please don't accept

Johannes Kastl's avatar

ojkastl_buildservice accepted request

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