This request is superseded by
request 1200909
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Request 1192373 superseded
- Recent builds are being placed in /usr/share instead of existing /srv/www/cacti. This is an attempt to fix. Please reject if path change was expected or fix in better way.
- Created by joelgb
- In state superseded
- Superseded by 1200909
Request History
joelgb created request
- Recent builds are being placed in /usr/share instead of existing /srv/www/cacti. This is an attempt to fix. Please reject if path change was expected or fix in better way.
same here! Unfortunately, I'm also no longer using this package.
It looks like cacti .rpms produced for 15.5 have a /srv/www/cacti path, but the 15.6 .rpm does not (this is when I noticed the change, upgrading from 15.5 -> 15.6)
When I submitted a new plugin cacti-plugin-webseer to server:monitoring, dstoecker suggested removal of the old openSuSE version check. That plugin has no version check and has a "hard coded" path to /srv/www/cacti. It appears all cacti-plugins use /srv/www/cacti as their path. This is why I think the 15.6 package not using /srv/www/cacti is some kind of bug/build error and was not intentional. This is why I think removing the version check is probably OK.
P.S., I'm not sure I'm qualified to maintain the cacti package, but have no problem forking and submitting attempts to build it - I'm a packaging beginner :-)
Hi Andreas, I think there are areas of cacti that still need to be writable. Cacti detects this during some upgrades and it's wizard checks these and warns end user if they are not writable - areas like cacti/scripts/ cacti/cache/(boot, mibcache, realtime,spikekill) , cacti/resource/(snmp_queries, script_server, script_queries) etc.
But maybe you know something new that I don't know? I just know upgrading from 15.5 to 15.6 broke my cacti until I rebuilt it here and returned it to /srv/www/cacti/
Thank you, Joel
I now noticed that this is boo#1180194 that I never get to. Sorry, I am dropping out. Feel free to take the package.
@STorresi, @aeneas_jaissle, @aldemir_a, @bitshuffler, @bnicholes, @ciriarte, @dakechi, @darix, @deadpoint, @dstoecker, @ecsos, @jcavalheiro, @jubalh, @lrupp, @marostegui, @mcaj, @mge1512, @mnhauke, @mseben, @netmask, @peternixon, @psmt, @rhomann, @schubi2, @shapbot, @witekbedyk, @worldcitizen, @wrosenauer: review reminder