
Request 1193473 accepted

- Pass -Wno-error=incompatible-pointer-types (and also all the other
optflags) on the command line so that use of incompatible pointers
does not prevent the package from building. [boo#1225921]

If the request is OK, please forward it to Factory soon too so that we
can switch the default compiler. Thanks!

Martin Jambor's avatar
author source maintainer

OK, but please, pretty please, don't let not accepting this simple request significantly delay the adoption of GCC 14.

Martin Jambor's avatar
author source maintainer

Status update: As far as I understand Marcus, he still intends to remove the package instead. It seems that all packages depending on rubygem-hpricot require it through rubygem-ronn which itself is ripe for removal/replacement with https://github.com/apjanke/ronn-ng and which is tracked in https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1229447

I only hope it is not going to take much time.

Request History
Martin Jambor's avatar

jamborm created request

- Pass -Wno-error=incompatible-pointer-types (and also all the other
optflags) on the command line so that use of incompatible pointers
does not prevent the package from building. [boo#1225921]

If the request is OK, please forward it to Factory soon too so that we
can switch the default compiler. Thanks!

Marcus Rueckert's avatar

darix declined request

we are in the process of killing that package

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse reopened request

Please consider submitting this fix to unblock GCC14; the removal of hapricot is likely more in the future, as there are dependencies on it

Jiri Srain's avatar

jsrain accepted request

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