
Request 1193514 accepted

- Update to version 3.4.1
* Fix issues with accelerometer stability
* Issue with float value for "Auto Reset Cycle After"
* Accelerometer triggers when switching sets
* Refactor outdated pieces of code
* Update more universal QT libraries detection
* Allow easy building with QT6 and ensure compatability
* Bump minimal QT version requirement to 5.10
* Updated translations: Chinese, Portugese, German, French
and Finnish
* Added Catalan language
* And a lot of minor fixes and cleanups linked with QT6 and
not only.


Request History
Carsten Ziepke's avatar

Kieltux created request

- Update to version 3.4.1
* Fix issues with accelerometer stability
* Issue with float value for "Auto Reset Cycle After"
* Accelerometer triggers when switching sets
* Refactor outdated pieces of code
* Update more universal QT libraries detection
* Allow easy building with QT6 and ensure compatability
* Bump minimal QT version requirement to 5.10
* Updated translations: Chinese, Portugese, German, French
and Finnish
* Added Catalan language
* And a lot of minor fixes and cleanups linked with QT6 and
not only.

Carsten Ziepke's avatar

Kieltux accepted request

Lets go.

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