
Request 1193773 superseded

Supplement to the "crowdsec" package. We're currently missing packaged Remediators ("Bouncers").

Johannes Kastl's avatar

Looks good, thanks for the SR.

install -D -m 0600 scripts/_bouncer.sh %{buildroot}%{_usr}/lib/%{name}/_bouncer.sh

Shouldn't the file be executable? And why only allow root access to that file? There should be no "secrets" in it.

install -D -m 0600 scripts/_bouncer.sh %{buildroot}%{_usr}/lib/%{name}/_bouncer.sh

Why allow everyone read access (755 on the directory) and then restrict everyone but root to read this file?

I take it the service needs to be run as root to have permissions for using iptables etc?

Aeneas Jaißle's avatar

Good catch, that wasn't intended. The script is now 0755, but should normally only be used by root (-scripts). It does configuration manipulation like adding a local API key to the bouncer config. New SR on its' way.

Request History
Aeneas Jaißle's avatar

aeneas_jaissle created request

Supplement to the "crowdsec" package. We're currently missing packaged Remediators ("Bouncers").

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