
Request 1194204 accepted

- Update to 1.5.2:
* Bug Fixes
+ Avoid Astropy Time error for SIAResult.dateobs when VOX:Image_MJDateObs
or ssa:DataID.Date is nan.
+ More robust handling of SIA1 FORMAT
+ Fix pyvo.registry.Author to allow registry searches with author
+ Backing out of having alt_identifier in RegistryResource throughout.
Use get_alt_identifier() instead
+ Fix maxrec=0 special case for SIA2 queries.
+ Fixed TapResults to inherit session.
+ Fix handling of nan values for Time properties in SIA2 records.
+ Fix SIA2 search to accept SkyCoord position inputs.
+ Favouring VOX:Image_AccessReference for data url for SIA1 queries.
* Enhancements and Fixes
+ registry.search now allows programmatic selection of the registry TAP
service endpoint with the choose_RegTAP_service function.
+ registry.search now introspects the TAP service's capabilities and only
offers extended functionality or optimisations if the required features
are present
+ Registry search now finds SIA v2 services.
+ Made SIA2Service accept access urls without finding them in the service
+ Fix session inheritance in SIA2.
+ Add intersect modes for the spatial constraint in the registry module
+ Added alt_identifier, created, updated and rights to the attributes of
+ Added the source_value and alt_identifier information to the verbose
output of describe() in regtap.
+ Added convenience method DALResults.to_qtable() that returns an
astropy.table.QTable object.
+ TAP examples now support the continuation property.
+ Fix poor polling behavior when running an async query against a
TAP v1.1 service with unsupported WAIT parameter.
+ Adding python version to User-Agent.
+ Output of repr for DALResults instance now clearly shows it is a
DALResultsTable and not a generic astropy Table.
+ Adding support for the VODataService 1.2 nrows attribute on table
* Deprecations and Removals
+ Classes SIAService, SIAQuery, SIAResults for SIA v2 have been renamed
to SIA2Service, SIA2Query, SIA2Results respectively as well as the
+ Class pyvo.vosi.vodataservice.Table has been renamed to
VODataServiceTable to avoid sharing the name with a more generic
astropy.table.Table while having different API.
+ Deprecate VOSI AvailabilityMixin, this mean the deprecation of the
inherited availability, available, and up_since properties of DAL
service classes, too.
+ Deprecating ivoid2service because it is ill-defined.
- Switch to pyproject macros.
- Initial version

Request History
Steve Kowalik's avatar

StevenK created request

- Update to 1.5.2:
* Bug Fixes
+ Avoid Astropy Time error for SIAResult.dateobs when VOX:Image_MJDateObs
or ssa:DataID.Date is nan.
+ More robust handling of SIA1 FORMAT
+ Fix pyvo.registry.Author to allow registry searches with author
+ Backing out of having alt_identifier in RegistryResource throughout.
Use get_alt_identifier() instead
+ Fix maxrec=0 special case for SIA2 queries.
+ Fixed TapResults to inherit session.
+ Fix handling of nan values for Time properties in SIA2 records.
+ Fix SIA2 search to accept SkyCoord position inputs.
+ Favouring VOX:Image_AccessReference for data url for SIA1 queries.
* Enhancements and Fixes
+ registry.search now allows programmatic selection of the registry TAP
service endpoint with the choose_RegTAP_service function.
+ registry.search now introspects the TAP service's capabilities and only
offers extended functionality or optimisations if the required features
are present
+ Registry search now finds SIA v2 services.
+ Made SIA2Service accept access urls without finding them in the service
+ Fix session inheritance in SIA2.
+ Add intersect modes for the spatial constraint in the registry module
+ Added alt_identifier, created, updated and rights to the attributes of
+ Added the source_value and alt_identifier information to the verbose
output of describe() in regtap.
+ Added convenience method DALResults.to_qtable() that returns an
astropy.table.QTable object.
+ TAP examples now support the continuation property.
+ Fix poor polling behavior when running an async query against a
TAP v1.1 service with unsupported WAIT parameter.
+ Adding python version to User-Agent.
+ Output of repr for DALResults instance now clearly shows it is a
DALResultsTable and not a generic astropy Table.
+ Adding support for the VODataService 1.2 nrows attribute on table
* Deprecations and Removals
+ Classes SIAService, SIAQuery, SIAResults for SIA v2 have been renamed
to SIA2Service, SIA2Query, SIA2Results respectively as well as the
+ Class pyvo.vosi.vodataservice.Table has been renamed to
VODataServiceTable to avoid sharing the name with a more generic
astropy.table.Table while having different API.
+ Deprecate VOSI AvailabilityMixin, this mean the deprecation of the
inherited availability, available, and up_since properties of DAL
service classes, too.
+ Deprecating ivoid2service because it is ill-defined.
- Switch to pyproject macros.
- Initial version

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:39 got accepted.

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:39 got accepted.

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:39 got accepted.

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