Request 1195624 accepted
- Update to rpcbind 1.2.7
* rpcinfo: try connecting using abstract address
* Listen on an AF_UNIX abstract address if supported
* autotools/systemd: call rpcbind with -w only on enabled warm starts
* rpcbind: fix double free in init_transport
- Refresh and rename patches (while turning them into git patches)
* 0001-systemd-unit-files.patch -> 0001-systemd-rpcbind.service-Fix-ordering-add-etc-sysconf.patch
* harden_rpcbind.service.patch -> 0001-systemd-rpcbind.service-Add-hardening-bsc-1181400.patch
Request History
pevik created request
- Update to rpcbind 1.2.7
* rpcinfo: try connecting using abstract address
* Listen on an AF_UNIX abstract address if supported
* autotools/systemd: call rpcbind with -w only on enabled warm starts
* rpcbind: fix double free in init_transport
- Refresh and rename patches (while turning them into git patches)
* 0001-systemd-unit-files.patch -> 0001-systemd-rpcbind.service-Fix-ordering-add-etc-sysconf.patch
* harden_rpcbind.service.patch -> 0001-systemd-rpcbind.service-Add-hardening-bsc-1181400.patch
pevik accepted request