
Request 1197218 accepted

- Update to current stable go1.23
Refs boo#1229122 go1.23 release tracking (forwarded request 1197215 from jfkw)


Dominique Leuenberger's avatar


Jeff Kowalczyk's avatar
author source maintainer

Thanks for the info. The go clean subcommand behavior seen here has been in place since go1.20: go clean -cache -testcache internal go: clean -cache cannot be used with package arguments

cmd/go: go clean should not accept flags like -modcache with packages https://github.com/golang/go/commit/c22865fcfa1ec434e5655c652c6376fa2d0eb821 (contained in go1.20+)

Not sure how it has been building since then unless if using only up to go1.19.

It is safe to patch out the argument "internal". I can submit an SR for that and PR to upstream to retire the patch.

Deleting go build cache is not needed in our build environment. With Go applications it is usually best to extract only the relevant go build command from scripts such as used by this upstream and call directly in the RPM spec. Unconditional use of -buildmode=pie is another reason, PIE is not currently supported by Go on our ppc64 arch:

%ifnarch ppc64
export GOFLAGS="-buildmode=pie"
go build ./cmd/%{name}

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

The spec has: BuildRequires: golang(API) >= 1.20 so using go < 1.20 should be excluded.

The last build in openSUSE:Factory was using go 1.22:

[    7s] go1.22-1.22.6-1.1                     ########################################
[    7s] update-alternatives: using /usr/lib64/go/1.22/bin/go to provide /usr/bin/go (go) in auto mode
[    9s] + cd ignition-2.19.0
[    9s] + sed -i -e 's|go build -ldflags|go build -buildmode=pie -ldflags|g' build
[    9s] + VERSION=2.19.0
[    9s] + GLDFLAGS='-X github.com/coreos/ignition/v2/internal/distro.selinuxRelabel=false -X github.com/coreos/ignition/v2/internal/distro.writeAuthorizedKeysFragment=false '
[    9s] + ./build
[    9s] Building ignition...
[   28s] Building ignition-validate...

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

build does:

go clean -help 2>&1 | grep -F '[-cache]' >/dev/null && go clean -cache -testcache internal

go help -clean on go 1.22 returns:

> go clean -help
usage: go clean [clean flags] [build flags] [packages]
Run 'go help clean' for details.

on go 1.23, it returns:

> go clean -help
usage: go clean [-i] [-r] [-cache] [-testcache] [-modcache] [-fuzzcache] [build flags] [packages]
Run 'go help clean' for details.

There we have the 'why' it built with go < 1.23 :)

Request History
Jeff Kowalczyk's avatar

jfkw created request

- Update to current stable go1.23
Refs boo#1229122 go1.23 release tracking (forwarded request 1197215 from jfkw)

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Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse set openSUSE:Factory:Staging:J as a staging project

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