
Request 1198372 accepted

- Update to 0.14.0
## Bug Fixes
* Support readonly arrays in adaptive by @svank in #452
* Fix bug with artifacts in reproject_to_healpix by @astrofrog in
## New Features
* Fix multi-threaded reprojection when using Astropy WCS by
@astrofrog in #434
* Generalize reproject_and_coadd for N-dimensional data, and add
option to specify blank pixel value and progress bar by
@keflavich in #351
* Improve performance for large datasets and switch to
multi-threading by default by @astrofrog in #443
## Other Changes
* Don't use --pre on Python 3.12 by @astrofrog in #445
* Bump minimum required version of astropy-healpix by @astrofrog
in #446
* Improvements to performance when using dask.distributed by
@astrofrog in #447
* Add logging calls and fix a couple of dask-related issues by
@astrofrog in #450
* Add a script to regenerate the aia asdf file and do so by
@Cadair in #439
* Performance improvements for interpolation with map_coordinates
by @astrofrog in #448
- Release v0.13.1
## Bug Fixes
* Ensure reproject_and_coadd handles bg-matching with one input
image by @svank in #412
* Fixes for mosaic output pixels not covered by inputs by @svank (forwarded request 1198371 from bnavigator)

Request History
Benjamin Greiner's avatar

bnavigator created request

- Update to 0.14.0
## Bug Fixes
* Support readonly arrays in adaptive by @svank in #452
* Fix bug with artifacts in reproject_to_healpix by @astrofrog in
## New Features
* Fix multi-threaded reprojection when using Astropy WCS by
@astrofrog in #434
* Generalize reproject_and_coadd for N-dimensional data, and add
option to specify blank pixel value and progress bar by
@keflavich in #351
* Improve performance for large datasets and switch to
multi-threading by default by @astrofrog in #443
## Other Changes
* Don't use --pre on Python 3.12 by @astrofrog in #445
* Bump minimum required version of astropy-healpix by @astrofrog
in #446
* Improvements to performance when using dask.distributed by
@astrofrog in #447
* Add logging calls and fix a couple of dask-related issues by
@astrofrog in #450
* Add a script to regenerate the aia asdf file and do so by
@Cadair in #439
* Performance improvements for interpolation with map_coordinates
by @astrofrog in #448
- Release v0.13.1
## Bug Fixes
* Ensure reproject_and_coadd handles bg-matching with one input
image by @svank in #412
* Fixes for mosaic output pixels not covered by inputs by @svank (forwarded request 1198371 from bnavigator)

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dimstar_suse added openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:26 as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:26"

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The legal review is accepted preliminary. The package may require actions later on.

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dimstar_suse accepted review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:26 got accepted.

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Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:26 got accepted.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted request

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:26 got accepted.

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