Request 1198443 accepted
I want to use a tool that requires the keymaps that kbd generates. I added the configure flag and placed all new files in additional packages.
- Created by Tobi_Peter
- In state accepted
- Package maintainers: anicka, ateixeira, and sbrabec
Request History
Tobi_Peter created request
I want to use a tool that requires the keymaps that kbd generates. I added the configure flag and placed all new files in additional packages.
sbrabec accepted request
Makes sense.
You can read more about the keymaps here: https://github.com/legionus/kbd/blob/master/docs/reference/libkeymap/Doxyheader
@anicka, @ateixeira, @sbrabec: review reminder
It should have been declined:
Does not contain changes entry.
Splitting of libraries does not conform to library naming conventions (should not definitely be kbd-libkeymap and kbd-libkeymap-devel but libkeymap1 and libkeymap-devel).
Devel package has a generic and incorrect description.
Missing ldconfig scriptlets.
libkeymap contains self-provides
libkeymap-devel contains incorrect requires
Requiring exact release makes problems
Anyway, as I already accepted without a proper review, fixing it.
I also deleted .la files that are not needed for shared libraries on Linux (with exception of libraries used by libltdl).