
Request 1198481 review

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Ana Guerrero's avatar

Makes python-aiohttp fails to build from source:

[   60s] =========================== short test summary info ============================
[   60s] SKIPPED [1] tests/test_client_session.py:901: The check is applied in DEBUG mode only
[   60s] SKIPPED [1] tests/test_connector.py:2287: Proactor Event loop present only in Windows
[   60s] SKIPPED [1] tests/test_connector.py:2295: Proactor Event loop present only in Windows
[   60s] SKIPPED [1] tests/test_connector.py:2306: Proactor Event loop present only in Windows
[   60s] SKIPPED [1] tests/test_connector.py:2498: Proactor Event loop present only in Windows
[   60s] SKIPPED [1] tests/test_multipart_helpers.py:446: should raise decoding error: %82 is invalid for latin1
[   60s] SKIPPED [1] tests/test_multipart_helpers.py:455: should raise decoding error: %E4 is invalid for utf-8
[   60s] SKIPPED [1] tests/test_multipart_helpers.py:510: urllib.parse.unquote is tolerate to standalone % chars
[   60s] SKIPPED [1] tests/test_multipart_helpers.py:519: urllib.parse.unquote is tolerate to standalone % chars
[   60s] SKIPPED [1] tests/test_multipart_helpers.py:99: need more smart parser which respects quoted text
[   60s] SKIPPED [1] tests/test_web_app.py:365: The check is applied in DEBUG mode only
[   60s] SKIPPED [1] tests/test_resolver.py:336: aiodns <3.2.0 required
[   60s] XFAIL tests/test_client_functional.py::test_broken_connection[pyloop]
[   60s] XFAIL tests/test_connector.py::test_del_with_scheduled_cleanup[pyloop]
[   60s] XFAIL tests/test_client_functional.py::test_rejected_upload[pyloop] - #7599
[   60s] XFAIL tests/test_http_parser.py::test_parse_unusual_request_line[c-parser-pyloop] - Regression test for Py parser. May match C behaviour later.
[   60s] XFAIL tests/test_http_parser.py::test_http_request_parser_utf8_request_line[c-parser-pyloop] - Regression test for Py parser. May match C behaviour later.
[   60s] XFAIL tests/test_http_parser.py::test_parse_uri_utf8[c-parser-pyloop] - reason: Not valid HTTP. Maybe update py-parser to reject later.
[   60s] XFAIL tests/test_web_functional.py::test_http10_keep_alive_default[pyloop]
[   60s] XFAIL tests/test_web_urldispatcher.py::test_decoded_url_match[pyloop-urldecoded_route] - Regression in v3.7: https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp/issues/5621
[   60s] XFAIL tests/test_web_urldispatcher.py::test_decoded_url_match[pyloop-urldecoded_route_with_regex] - Regression in v3.7: https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp/issues/5621
[   60s] XFAIL tests/test_web_urldispatcher.py::test_decoded_url_match[pyloop-urlencoded_route] - Regression in v3.7: https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp/issues/5621
[   60s] FAILED tests/test_urldispatch.py::test_add_static_quoting - AssertionError: assert '/пре %2Fфикс/1 2/файл%2F.txt' == '/пре /фикс/1 2/файл%2F.txt'
[   60s]   
[   60s]   - /пре /фикс/1 2/файл%2F.txt
[   60s]   ?      ^
[   60s]   + /пре %2Fфикс/1 2/файл%2F.txt
[   60s]   ?      ^^^
[   60s] FAILED tests/test_urldispatch.py::test_route_dynamic_quoting - AssertionError: assert '/пре %2Fфикс/1 2/текст%2F' == '/пре /фикс/1 2/текст%2F'
[   60s]   
[   60s]   - /пре /фикс/1 2/текст%2F
[   60s]   ?      ^
[   60s]   + /пре %2Fфикс/1 2/текст%2F
[   60s]   ?      ^^^
[   60s] FAILED tests/test_urldispatch.py::test_dynamic_match_unquoted_path - AssertionError: assert <MatchInfo {'path': 'path', 'subpath': 'my%2Fpath|with!some%strange$characters'}: <ResourceRoute [GET] <DynamicResource  /{path}/{subpath}> -> <function make_handler.<locals>.handler at 0x7f6886953400>> == {'path': 'path', 'subpath': 'my/path|with!some%strange$characters'}
[   60s]   
[   60s]   Common items:
[   60s]   {'path': 'path'}
[   60s]   Differing items:
[   60s]   {'subpath': 'my%2Fpath|with!some%strange$characters'} != {'subpath': 'my/path|with!some%strange$characters'}
[   60s]   
[   60s]   Full diff:
[   60s]   + <MatchInfo {'path': 'path', 'subpath': 'my%2Fpath|with!some%strange$characters'}: <ResourceRoute [GET] <DynamicResource  /{path}/{subpath}> -> <function make_handler.<locals>.handler at 0x7f6886953400>>
[   60s]   - {
[   60s]   -     'path': 'path',
[   60s]   -     'subpath': 'my/path|with!some%strange$characters',
[   60s]   - }
[   60s] FAILED tests/test_urldispatch.py::test_http_exception_is_none_when_resolved - pytest.PytestUnraisableExceptionWarning: Exception ignored in: <socket.socket fd=-1, family=AddressFamily.AF_UNIX, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0>
[   60s] 
[   60s] Traceback (most recent call last):
[   60s]   File "/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/python-aiohttp-3.10.5-2.5.x86_64/usr/lib64/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/test_utils.py", line 586, in teardown_test_loop
[   60s]     gc.collect()
[   60s] ResourceWarning: unclosed <socket.socket fd=15, family=AddressFamily.AF_UNIX, type=SocketKind.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0>
[   60s] =========== 4 failed, 3112 passed, 12 skipped, 10 xfailed in 18.91s ============

Ana Guerrero's avatar

makes python-aiohttp ftbfs

Request History
Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl created request

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Check script succeeded

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Accepted review for by_group opensuse-review-team request 1198481 from user dimstar_suse

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