
Request 1199562 accepted

- Update to 1.11.0:
- Added:
* Nanosvg updated to 93ce879dc4c04a3ef1758428ec80083c38610b1f
* New options `--x-margin` `--y-margin` which place the launcher some
distance away from the anchor point, in pixels. Default to 0
* Support for the `StartupNotify` key in `.desktop` files.
* Log output now respects the [`NO_COLOR`](http://no-color.org/)
environment variable.
* Rounded corners without cairo. With this, the **only** time cairo is
needed is when you want to use the librsvg SVG backend. For nanosvg
builds, there is no longer any need to link against cairo.
* Support for linking against a system provided nanosvg library. See
the new `-Dsystem-nanosvg` meson option. Default's to `disabled`
(i.e. use the bundled version).
* Mouse support. Left click selects/launches, right click quits
fuzzel, wheel scrolls (a page at at time). This is, for the time
being, not configurable ([#131][131])
* `--cache=PATH` command line option, and `cache` option to
`fuzzel.ini`, allowing a custom cache location to be used
([#189][189], [#219][219]).
* `expunge` key binding, to remove an entry from the cache. Mapped to
shift+delete by default.
* `--prompt-color` and `colors.prompt`, controlling the
text/foreground color of the prompt ([#365][365]).
* `--input-color` and `colors.input`, controlling the text/foreground
color of the input string ([#365][365]).
* Much improved performance with large amounts of input ([#305][305]).
* Improved rendering performance, by using threads. See the new
`--render-workers` command line option, and the new `render-workers`
option in `fuzzel.ini`.
* dmenu mode: `--prompt-only=PROMPT` command line option
* dmenu mode: start rendering input before STDIN has been closed.
* `--match-workers` command line option and the new `match-workers`
option in `fuzzel.ini`.
* `delayed-filter-ms`, `delayed-filter-limit` options to `fuzzel.ini`,
and `--delayed-filter-ms` and `--delayed-filter-limit` command line
* Match count can now printed at the right-hand side of the input
prompt. It is disabled by default, and can be enabled with either
the `--counter` command line option, or the `match-counter` setting
in `fuzzel.ini`.
* `--counter-color` and `colors.counter`, controlling the color of the
match count. The default value is `93a1a1ff` (_base1_ in the
solarized palette).
* The currently selected entry may now be rendered with a bold
font. It is disabled by default, and can be enabled either via the
new `--use-bold` command line option, or by setting `use-bold=yes`,
in `fuzzel.ini`.
* `sort-result` option to `fuzzel.ini`, and `--no-sort` command line
* Placeholder text (for the input box), controlled by the new
`--placeholder`, `--placeholder-color` command line options, and the
`placeholder` and `colors.placeholder` options in `fuzzel.ini`
* `--search=TEXT` command line option, allowing you to "pre-filter"
the result ([#][274][274]).
* Support for pasting text into fuzzel. Both the regular clipboard,
and the primary clipboard are supported. See the new
`clipboard-paste` and `primary-paste` key bindings ([#200][200]).
- Changed:
* The cache now stores desktop file **IDs** instead of the application
titles. This way, we do not store multiple cache entries with the
same value (title) ([#339][339]).
* Always fallback on the icon theme `hicolor`.
* Quitting without executing an entry in dmenu mode now exits with
code 2 instead of 1 ([#353][353]).
* The default `layer` is now `overlay` instead of `top`. This means
fuzzel now renders on top of fullscreen windows by default
* `--no-fuzzy` option has been replaced with `--match-mode`.
Default match mode is `fzf`. Other options are `fuzzy` and `exact`. See
`man fuzzel.ini` for details.
* Default text color of the prompt and the selected entry to
`586e75ff` (_base01_ in the solarized palette).
* Initial application sorting is now done case insensitive.
* Background is no longer transparent by default. You can change this
by setting `colors.background`.
* Search string is now font shaped, improving support for e.g Arabic
- Fixed:
* PNG images being way too dark.
* Crash when the cache contains strings that are not valid in the
current locale ([#337][337]).
* Crash when `tabs` (in `fuzzel.ini`) is set to `0` ([#348][348]).
* Crash while loading the cache, when `--list-executables-in-path` is
used ([#356][356])
* Rounding of window size when fractional scaling is used.
* Dmenu mode failing with _"failed to read from stdin: Resource
temporarily unavailable"_.
* First frame flickers when fractional scaling is used.
* Borders, padding etc not updated on scale changes when
`dpi-aware=yes`. This mostly affected setups using fractional
scaling, but all setups were affected in one way or another.
* Mouse selection not working correctly (wrong item selected) when
`dpi-aware=yes` and desktop scaling was enabled.

Request History
llyyr's avatar

llyyr created request

- Update to 1.11.0:
- Added:
* Nanosvg updated to 93ce879dc4c04a3ef1758428ec80083c38610b1f
* New options `--x-margin` `--y-margin` which place the launcher some
distance away from the anchor point, in pixels. Default to 0
* Support for the `StartupNotify` key in `.desktop` files.
* Log output now respects the [`NO_COLOR`](http://no-color.org/)
environment variable.
* Rounded corners without cairo. With this, the **only** time cairo is
needed is when you want to use the librsvg SVG backend. For nanosvg
builds, there is no longer any need to link against cairo.
* Support for linking against a system provided nanosvg library. See
the new `-Dsystem-nanosvg` meson option. Default's to `disabled`
(i.e. use the bundled version).
* Mouse support. Left click selects/launches, right click quits
fuzzel, wheel scrolls (a page at at time). This is, for the time
being, not configurable ([#131][131])
* `--cache=PATH` command line option, and `cache` option to
`fuzzel.ini`, allowing a custom cache location to be used
([#189][189], [#219][219]).
* `expunge` key binding, to remove an entry from the cache. Mapped to
shift+delete by default.
* `--prompt-color` and `colors.prompt`, controlling the
text/foreground color of the prompt ([#365][365]).
* `--input-color` and `colors.input`, controlling the text/foreground
color of the input string ([#365][365]).
* Much improved performance with large amounts of input ([#305][305]).
* Improved rendering performance, by using threads. See the new
`--render-workers` command line option, and the new `render-workers`
option in `fuzzel.ini`.
* dmenu mode: `--prompt-only=PROMPT` command line option
* dmenu mode: start rendering input before STDIN has been closed.
* `--match-workers` command line option and the new `match-workers`
option in `fuzzel.ini`.
* `delayed-filter-ms`, `delayed-filter-limit` options to `fuzzel.ini`,
and `--delayed-filter-ms` and `--delayed-filter-limit` command line
* Match count can now printed at the right-hand side of the input
prompt. It is disabled by default, and can be enabled with either
the `--counter` command line option, or the `match-counter` setting
in `fuzzel.ini`.
* `--counter-color` and `colors.counter`, controlling the color of the
match count. The default value is `93a1a1ff` (_base1_ in the
solarized palette).
* The currently selected entry may now be rendered with a bold
font. It is disabled by default, and can be enabled either via the
new `--use-bold` command line option, or by setting `use-bold=yes`,
in `fuzzel.ini`.
* `sort-result` option to `fuzzel.ini`, and `--no-sort` command line
* Placeholder text (for the input box), controlled by the new
`--placeholder`, `--placeholder-color` command line options, and the
`placeholder` and `colors.placeholder` options in `fuzzel.ini`
* `--search=TEXT` command line option, allowing you to "pre-filter"
the result ([#][274][274]).
* Support for pasting text into fuzzel. Both the regular clipboard,
and the primary clipboard are supported. See the new
`clipboard-paste` and `primary-paste` key bindings ([#200][200]).
- Changed:
* The cache now stores desktop file **IDs** instead of the application
titles. This way, we do not store multiple cache entries with the
same value (title) ([#339][339]).
* Always fallback on the icon theme `hicolor`.
* Quitting without executing an entry in dmenu mode now exits with
code 2 instead of 1 ([#353][353]).
* The default `layer` is now `overlay` instead of `top`. This means
fuzzel now renders on top of fullscreen windows by default
* `--no-fuzzy` option has been replaced with `--match-mode`.
Default match mode is `fzf`. Other options are `fuzzy` and `exact`. See
`man fuzzel.ini` for details.
* Default text color of the prompt and the selected entry to
`586e75ff` (_base01_ in the solarized palette).
* Initial application sorting is now done case insensitive.
* Background is no longer transparent by default. You can change this
by setting `colors.background`.
* Search string is now font shaped, improving support for e.g Arabic
- Fixed:
* PNG images being way too dark.
* Crash when the cache contains strings that are not valid in the
current locale ([#337][337]).
* Crash when `tabs` (in `fuzzel.ini`) is set to `0` ([#348][348]).
* Crash while loading the cache, when `--list-executables-in-path` is
used ([#356][356])
* Rounding of window size when fractional scaling is used.
* Dmenu mode failing with _"failed to read from stdin: Resource
temporarily unavailable"_.
* First frame flickers when fractional scaling is used.
* Borders, padding etc not updated on scale changes when
`dpi-aware=yes`. This mostly affected setups using fractional
scaling, but all setups were affected in one way or another.
* Mouse selection not working correctly (wrong item selected) when
`dpi-aware=yes` and desktop scaling was enabled.

Soc Virnyl Estela's avatar

uncomfyhalomacro accepted request

Thanks llyyr!

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