Request 1200198 accepted
- remove rpmlintrc as using fdupes works as intended
- remove README-suse-maint.md as the packaging changed so much that
the readme is not needed anymore
- put the binary in the bindir, create a symlink for people who still
want to use the full name for the binary
- Created by rrahl0
- In state accepted
- Package maintainers: smolsheep and uncomfyhalomacro
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Request History
rrahl0 created request
- remove rpmlintrc as using fdupes works as intended
- remove README-suse-maint.md as the packaging changed so much that
the readme is not needed anymore
- put the binary in the bindir, create a symlink for people who still
want to use the full name for the binary
uncomfyhalomacro accepted request
That makes sense! i was planning to return it to helix. Thanks. i will merge