
Request 1200790 accepted

- Security fix for bsc#1229869
* New Patches:
- prevent-rapid-reset-http2-DOS-on-API-server.patch,
- bump-golang-org-grpc-to-v1_56_3.patch,
- expose-DisableHTTP2-flag-in-SecureServingOptions.patch
* Mitigates http/2 DOS vulnerabilities for CVE-2023-44487 and CVE-2023-39325 for the API server when the client is unauthenticated. The mitigation may be disabled by setting the `UnauthenticatedHTTP2DOSMitigation` feature gate to `false` (it is enabled by default). An API server fronted by an L7 load balancer that already mitigates these http/2 attacks may choose to disable the kube-apiserver mitigation to avoid disrupting load balancer → kube-apiserver connections if http/2 requests from multiple clients share the same backend connection. An API server on a private network may opt to disable the kube-apiserver mitigation to prevent performance regressions for unauthenticated clients. Authenticated requests rely on the fix in golang.org/x/net v0.17.0 alone. https://issue.k8s.io/121197 tracks further mitigation of http/2 attacks by authenticated clients.

Request History
Priyanka Saggu's avatar

psaggu created request

- Security fix for bsc#1229869
* New Patches:
- prevent-rapid-reset-http2-DOS-on-API-server.patch,
- bump-golang-org-grpc-to-v1_56_3.patch,
- expose-DisableHTTP2-flag-in-SecureServingOptions.patch
* Mitigates http/2 DOS vulnerabilities for CVE-2023-44487 and CVE-2023-39325 for the API server when the client is unauthenticated. The mitigation may be disabled by setting the `UnauthenticatedHTTP2DOSMitigation` feature gate to `false` (it is enabled by default). An API server fronted by an L7 load balancer that already mitigates these http/2 attacks may choose to disable the kube-apiserver mitigation to avoid disrupting load balancer → kube-apiserver connections if http/2 requests from multiple clients share the same backend connection. An API server on a private network may opt to disable the kube-apiserver mitigation to prevent performance regressions for unauthenticated clients. Authenticated requests rely on the fix in golang.org/x/net v0.17.0 alone. https://issue.k8s.io/121197 tracks further mitigation of http/2 attacks by authenticated clients.

Priyanka Saggu's avatar

psaggu accepted request

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