
Request 1201419 new

new package espanso: a privacy-first, cross-platform text Expander


Martin Pluskal's avatar

Inline comment for target: 'X11:Utilities/espanso', file: 'espanso.spec', and line: 5.

its not 2021 anymore

Martin Pluskal's avatar

Inline comment for target: 'X11:Utilities/espanso', file: 'espanso.spec', and line: 27.

no group

Johannes Kastl's avatar

You mean I should remove the group? I know it is deprecated in Tumbleweed, but it still spits out warnings when building on Leap, hence no harm in keeping it, right?

Johannes Kastl's avatar

Works in e.g. GVim or xterm, but does not fully work on Wayland systems. https://github.com/espanso/espanso/discussions/2058

32bit builds are apparently not supported, hence the errors on i584 and armv7l https://github.com/espanso/espanso/issues/2057

Johannes Kastl's avatar

Based on the old package by @rickyk, I hope he does not object to me submitting the package?

Request History
Johannes Kastl's avatar

ojkastl_buildservice created request

new package espanso: a privacy-first, cross-platform text Expander

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