
Request 1203952 accepted

New packages needed to build GMT.

Matej Cepl's avatar

Could you please unpack that tox.ini? It looks like their testing is by building their own documentation, which is not an unreasonable thing to do, and we should do it in the first place anyway.

Dirk Stoecker's avatar
author source maintainer

Sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about.

Matej Cepl's avatar

Have a look at what tox.ini does? That runs

 sphinx-build \
        -n -b {posargs:html} docs/ docs/_build/{posargs:html}

Could you add something like this in %build section so that we have documentation build from the sources, and thus having testing of the package for free?

Dirk Stoecker's avatar
author source maintainer

That requires additional packages, the first being sphinxcontrib-myst_nb which don't exist yet. I don't plan to create additional packages only for this purpose.

Request History
Dirk Stoecker's avatar

dstoecker created request

New packages needed to build GMT.

Matej Cepl's avatar

mcepl accepted request

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