Request 1207450 accepted
- Update to 0.7.2
* breaking: Code words with a secret password section shorter
than 4 bytes are no longer accepted. This only breaks
completely invalid uses of the code.
* Code words with a weak password section or a non-integer
nameplate will throw an error in the long. This error can be
upgraded to a hard error by enabling the "entropy" feature.
This feature will become the default in the next major release.
Request History
smolsheep created request
- Update to 0.7.2
* breaking: Code words with a secret password section shorter
than 4 bytes are no longer accepted. This only breaks
completely invalid uses of the code.
* Code words with a weak password section or a non-integer
nameplate will throw an error in the long. This error can be
upgraded to a hard error by enabling the "entropy" feature.
This feature will become the default in the next major release.
smolsheep accepted request