
Request 1208454 superseded

Interested to hear opinions about argparse-manpage on Leap.

- Update to 1.30:
* Initial support for NVIDIA GPUs passthrough
* Possibility to use pre-compiled -rc kernels from Ubuntu mainline builds
* Possibility to use virtiofs natively on arm64
* Some improvements to run virtme-ng cross-architecture and cross-distro
* Bug fixes
- Generate bash completions manually since upstream stopped doing that
See gh/arighi/virtme-ng#181
- Install config file manually for the same reason
- Leap package doesn't build anymore due to argparse-manpage not
being available. And new build script doesn't gracefully fail

Request History
Michael Vetter's avatar

jubalh created request

Interested to hear opinions about argparse-manpage on Leap.

- Update to 1.30:
* Initial support for NVIDIA GPUs passthrough
* Possibility to use pre-compiled -rc kernels from Ubuntu mainline builds
* Possibility to use virtiofs natively on arm64
* Some improvements to run virtme-ng cross-architecture and cross-distro
* Bug fixes
- Generate bash completions manually since upstream stopped doing that
See gh/arighi/virtme-ng#181
- Install config file manually for the same reason
- Leap package doesn't build anymore due to argparse-manpage not
being available. And new build script doesn't gracefully fail

Michael Vetter's avatar

jubalh superseded request

superseded by 1208952

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