Request 1219860 accepted
- Drop %requires_ge libraptor1: This has been a NOP for the last
10 years, since we moved to raptor 2.x.
The issue popped up as recently, %requires_* has been fixed to
err out on this kind ofNOP, making the errors visible.
- Created by dimstar
- In state accepted
- Package maintainer: KDEMaintainers
Request History
dimstar created request
- Drop %requires_ge libraptor1: This has been a NOP for the last
10 years, since we moved to raptor 2.x.
The issue popped up as recently, %requires_* has been fixed to
err out on this kind ofNOP, making the errors visible.
dirkmueller accepted request
the old %requires_eq macro simply ignored the missing libraptor1 dependency and did not add a requires for it. As that is clearly not what is wanted, the macro is getting some extension to error out in this case, which is how we found this package