
Request 1227769 accepted

- Fixing a configuration data loss bug:
Fillup really really wants that the template and the target file
actually follow the sysconfig format. The current config and the
current template do not fulfill this requirement.
Move the current /etc/sysconfig/etcd to /etc/default/etcd and
install a new sysconfig file which only adds the ETCD_OPTIONS
option, which is actually used by the unit file.
This also makes it a bit cleaner to move etcd to use
--config-file in the long run.

Request History
Marcus Rueckert's avatar

darix created request

- Fixing a configuration data loss bug:
Fillup really really wants that the template and the target file
actually follow the sysconfig format. The current config and the
current template do not fulfill this requirement.
Move the current /etc/sysconfig/etcd to /etc/default/etcd and
install a new sysconfig file which only adds the ETCD_OPTIONS
option, which is actually used by the unit file.
This also makes it a bit cleaner to move etcd to use
--config-file in the long run.

Elisei Roca's avatar

eroca accepted request

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