
Request 148546 accepted

- Fixed relp build requires change, which broke SLE-11 build.
- update to 7.2.5 [v7-stable]:
- build system cleanup
- bugfix: omelasticsearch did not properly compile on some platforms
due to missing libmath
- bugfix: on termination, actions were incorrectly called
- bugfix: very large memory consumption (and probably out of memory) when
FromPos was specified in template, but ToPos not.
- bugfix: timeval2syslogTime cause problems on some platforms
due to invalid assumption on structure data types.
- bugfix: compile errors in im3195
- bugfix: doGetFileCreateMode() had invalid validity check
- bugfix: mmjsonparse errornously returned action error when no
CEE cookie was present.

Request History
Marius Tomaschewski's avatar

mtomaschewski created request

- Fixed relp build requires change, which broke SLE-11 build.
- update to 7.2.5 [v7-stable]:
- build system cleanup
- bugfix: omelasticsearch did not properly compile on some platforms
due to missing libmath
- bugfix: on termination, actions were incorrectly called
- bugfix: very large memory consumption (and probably out of memory) when
FromPos was specified in template, but ToPos not.
- bugfix: timeval2syslogTime cause problems on some platforms
due to invalid assumption on structure data types.
- bugfix: compile errors in im3195
- bugfix: doGetFileCreateMode() had invalid validity check
- bugfix: mmjsonparse errornously returned action error when no
CEE cookie was present.

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "version update 7.2.4 -> 7.2.5 covered by ldb"}

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory

Andreas Jaeger's avatar

a_jaeger accepted review


Andreas Jaeger's avatar

a_jaeger approved review


Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo accepted request


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