
Request 155479 accepted

Update to 3.6.3 - GNOME 3.6 stable branch.
Effectively, this bumps the version to 3.6.3, which is not really different from what we had now as 3.6.2 + patches... it's just 'clearer' for future bug reports (to upstream) about what version we provide...
Recommended for 12.3 for this reason.

Request History
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar created request

Update to 3.6.3 - GNOME 3.6 stable branch.
Effectively, this bumps the version to 3.6.3, which is not really different from what we had now as 3.6.2 + patches... it's just 'clearer' for future bug reports (to upstream) about what version we provide...
Recommended for 12.3 for this reason.

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "preliminary, version number changed"}

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory

Andreas Jaeger's avatar

a_jaeger approved review


Andreas Jaeger's avatar

a_jaeger accepted review


Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo accepted request

checkin and copy for 12.3

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