
Request 161291 accepted

- update to version 1.8
- incompatible change: layout redo/undo has been removed
- add halfpage up/down bindings to copy mode
- session choosing fixed to work with unattached sessions
- new window options window-status-last-{attr,bg,fg} to denote
the last window which was active
- scrolling in copy-mode now scrolls the region without moving
the mouse cursor
- run-shell learnt '-t' to specify the pane to use when
displaying output
- support for middle-click pasting
- choose-tree learns '-u' to start uncollapsed
- select-window learnt '-T; to toggle to the last window if it's
already current
- new session option 'assume-paste-time' for pasting text versus
key-binding actions
- choose-* commands now work outside of an attached client
- aliases are now shown for list-commands command
- status learns about formats
- free-form options can be set with set-option if prepended with
an '@' sign
- capture-pane learnt '-p' to send to stdout, and '-e' for
capturing escape sequences, and '-a' to capture the alternate
screen, and '-P' to dump pending output
- many new formats added (client_session, client_last_session,
- control mode, which is a way for a client to send tmux commands
currently more useful to users of iterm2
- resize-pane learnt '-x' and '-y' for absolute pane sizing
- config file loading now reports errors from all files which are

Request History
Guido Berhoerster's avatar

gberh created request

- update to version 1.8
- incompatible change: layout redo/undo has been removed
- add halfpage up/down bindings to copy mode
- session choosing fixed to work with unattached sessions
- new window options window-status-last-{attr,bg,fg} to denote
the last window which was active
- scrolling in copy-mode now scrolls the region without moving
the mouse cursor
- run-shell learnt '-t' to specify the pane to use when
displaying output
- support for middle-click pasting
- choose-tree learns '-u' to start uncollapsed
- select-window learnt '-T; to toggle to the last window if it's
already current
- new session option 'assume-paste-time' for pasting text versus
key-binding actions
- choose-* commands now work outside of an attached client
- aliases are now shown for list-commands command
- status learns about formats
- free-form options can be set with set-option if prepended with
an '@' sign
- capture-pane learnt '-p' to send to stdout, and '-e' for
capturing escape sequences, and '-a' to capture the alternate
screen, and '-P' to dump pending output
- many new formats added (client_session, client_last_session,
- control mode, which is a way for a client to send tmux commands
currently more useful to users of iterm2
- resize-pane learnt '-x' and '-y' for absolute pane sizing
- config file loading now reports errors from all files which are

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

Please review build success

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "preliminary, version number changed"}

Factory Repo Checker's avatar

factory-repo-checker accepted review

Builds for repo snapshot

Michal Vyskocil's avatar

mvyskocil approved review

Michal Vyskocil's avatar

mvyskocil accepted review

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo accepted request


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