
Request 174892 accepted

- add lndir to BuildRequires

- remove xen.migrate.tools_notify_restore_to_hangup_during_migration_--abort_if_busy.patch
It changed migration protocol and upstream wants a different solution

- bnc#802221 - fix xenpaging
readd xenpaging.qemu.flush-cache.patch

- Upstream patches from Jan
- Additional fix for bnc#816159

- bnc#817068 - Xen guest with >1 sr-iov vf won't start

- Update to Xen 4.2.2 c/s 26064
The following recent security patches are included in the tarball
CVE-2013-0151-xsa34.patch (bnc#797285)
CVE-2012-6075-xsa41.patch (bnc#797523)
CVE-2013-1917-xsa44.patch (bnc#813673)
CVE-2013-1919-xsa46.patch (bnc#813675)

- Upstream patch from Jan

- bnc#816159 - VUL-0: xen: CVE-2013-1918: XSA-45: Several long
latency operations are not preemptible

Request History
Olaf Hering's avatar

olh created request

- add lndir to BuildRequires

- remove xen.migrate.tools_notify_restore_to_hangup_during_migration_--abort_if_busy.patch
It changed migration protocol and upstream wants a different solution

- bnc#802221 - fix xenpaging
readd xenpaging.qemu.flush-cache.patch

- Upstream patches from Jan
- Additional fix for bnc#816159

- bnc#817068 - Xen guest with >1 sr-iov vf won't start

- Update to Xen 4.2.2 c/s 26064
The following recent security patches are included in the tarball
CVE-2013-0151-xsa34.patch (bnc#797285)
CVE-2012-6075-xsa41.patch (bnc#797523)
CVE-2013-1917-xsa44.patch (bnc#813673)
CVE-2013-1919-xsa46.patch (bnc#813675)

- Upstream patch from Jan

- bnc#816159 - VUL-0: xen: CVE-2013-1918: XSA-45: Several long
latency operations are not preemptible

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "version update 4.2.1_06 -> 4.2.2_01 covered by ldb"}

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

Please review build success

Michal Vyskocil's avatar

mvyskocil accepted review

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo declined request

Please find out what is right and fix the other:

found conflict of drbd-8.3.11-6.10.x86_64 with xen-tools-4.2.2_01-240.1.x86_64:
- /etc/xen [mode mismatch: d755 root:root, d700 root:root]

Olaf Hering's avatar

olh added a reviewer

drbd is "wrong", according to xen.changes:
+* Tue Dec 05 2006 - ccoffing@novell.com
+- Make /etc/xen mode 0700 to protect vnc passwords.

/etc/xen/xend-config.sxp:(vncpasswd '')

Factory Repo Checker's avatar

factory-repo-checker accepted review

Builds for repo Kernel_HEAD_standard

Factory Repo Checker's avatar

factory-repo-checker approved review

Builds for repo Kernel_HEAD_standard

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo accepted request


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