
Request 186929 superseded

- update to 0.8.6:
- Do alternate type of checking for UNIX socket support, instead of checking
for platform == windows.

- Functional tests now use multiprocessing module instead of subprocess module,
speeding up test suite and making concurrent execution more reliable.

- Runner now appends the current working directory to ``sys.path`` to support
running WSGI applications from a directory (i.e., not installed in a
virtualenv). (forwarded request 186925 from saschpe)

Request History
Sascha Peilicke's avatar

saschpe created request

- update to 0.8.6:
- Do alternate type of checking for UNIX socket support, instead of checking
for platform == windows.

- Functional tests now use multiprocessing module instead of subprocess module,
speeding up test suite and making concurrent execution more reliable.

- Runner now appends the current working directory to ``sys.path`` to support
running WSGI applications from a directory (i.e., not installed in a
virtualenv). (forwarded request 186925 from saschpe)

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

Please review sources

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

Please review build success

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "preliminary, version number changed"}

Andreas Jaeger's avatar

a_jaeger accepted review


Factory Repo Checker's avatar

factory-repo-checker accepted review

Builds for repo bleeding_edge_python_Factory

Factory Repo Checker's avatar

factory-repo-checker approved review

Builds for repo bleeding_edge_python_Factory

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo superseded request

superseded by 186944

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