
Request 198797 superseded

mdadm fixes to make sure boot sequence all works properly.

- boot.md - simplify boot.
As array assembly is done by udev, it shouldn't
be done by boot.md. This will avoid some problems
with arrays getting started degraded.

- Make-IRs-and-run-work-properly-for-containers.patch
- mdmon-honour-offroot-again.patch
Upstream fixes

- config-set-auto_seen-after-processing-the-auto-line.patch
Fix bug which causes "AUTO -all" in mdadm.conf
in initrd to be ignored, so array might be
auto-assembled too early.

- mkinitrd-boot.sh: simplify boot sequence by relying
completely on udev running "mdadm -I". Thus
mkinitrd-boot.sh needs to do very little.
The devfunction script in the mkinitrd package has
been modified to start newly degraded array after
a suitable timeout.
- mkinitrd-setup.sh:
- don't save md_devs as it isn't used any more
- allow md device names like "/dev/md_foo" which will
need to be supported in due course.

- mkinitd-boot.sh: Clear {root,resume}_major variable
If multipath is in use, md is always on top of it. Therefore, the root
device is always an md device. (bnc#786526)

Request History
Neil Brown's avatar

neilbrown created request

mdadm fixes to make sure boot sequence all works properly.

- boot.md - simplify boot.
As array assembly is done by udev, it shouldn't
be done by boot.md. This will avoid some problems
with arrays getting started degraded.

- Make-IRs-and-run-work-properly-for-containers.patch
- mdmon-honour-offroot-again.patch
Upstream fixes

- config-set-auto_seen-after-processing-the-auto-line.patch
Fix bug which causes "AUTO -all" in mdadm.conf
in initrd to be ignored, so array might be
auto-assembled too early.

- mkinitrd-boot.sh: simplify boot sequence by relying
completely on udev running "mdadm -I". Thus
mkinitrd-boot.sh needs to do very little.
The devfunction script in the mkinitrd package has
been modified to start newly degraded array after
a suitable timeout.
- mkinitrd-setup.sh:
- don't save md_devs as it isn't used any more
- allow md device names like "/dev/md_foo" which will
need to be supported in due course.

- mkinitd-boot.sh: Clear {root,resume}_major variable
If multipath is in use, md is always on top of it. Therefore, the root
device is always an md device. (bnc#786526)

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

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Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

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Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "license and version number unchanged: 3.3"}

Factory Repo Checker's avatar

factory-repo-checker accepted review

Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory

Sascha Peilicke's avatar

saschpe declined review

DDF-allow-for-possibility-that-there-is-no-secondary.patch isn't mentioned in changes (http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Packaging_Patches_guidelines). Otherwise good to go.

Sascha Peilicke's avatar

saschpe declined request

DDF-allow-for-possibility-that-there-is-no-secondary.patch isn't mentioned in changes (http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Packaging_Patches_guidelines). Otherwise good to go.

Neil Brown's avatar

neilbrown superseded request

superseded by 198909

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