
Request 203776 accepted

This fix has to make it at least on the live disks for 13.1
=> At least the screen is not flickering as crazy.

the issue is not fixed, but worked around.. and the branded wallpaper
fails often from loading... but this is still MUCH better than the
ugly flickering.

Work is ongoing with upstream to get to the root of the problem. There
is a chance to find the fix between RC2 and GM, but in worst case we
can do an online update to make final fixes on installed machines.

- Add gnome-shell-no_clear_hint.patch: Work around refresh issues.
This is not the final solution; the wallpaper is often not
loaded, but at least it stops the screen from flickering wildly,
giving a much less broken experience (bgo#709313, bnc#844891). (forwarded request 203694 from Zaitor)

Request History
Bjørn Lie's avatar

Zaitor created request

This fix has to make it at least on the live disks for 13.1
=> At least the screen is not flickering as crazy.

the issue is not fixed, but worked around.. and the branded wallpaper
fails often from loading... but this is still MUCH better than the
ugly flickering.

Work is ongoing with upstream to get to the root of the problem. There
is a chance to find the fix between RC2 and GM, but in worst case we
can do an online update to make final fixes on installed machines.

- Add gnome-shell-no_clear_hint.patch: Work around refresh issues.
This is not the final solution; the wallpaper is often not
loaded, but at least it stops the screen from flickering wildly,
giving a much less broken experience (bgo#709313, bnc#844891). (forwarded request 203694 from Zaitor)

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Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "license and version number unchanged: 3.10.1"}

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Factory Repo Checker's avatar

factory-repo-checker approved review

Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory

Tomáš Chvátal's avatar

scarabeus_factory accepted request

checkin and copy for 13.1

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