Request 204141 accepted
NOT-FOR-OPENSUSE-13.1, this needs to be done in order to upgrade junit4
- Update to 1.3
bugfix and feature update, see CHANGES.txt for details
- Removed patches
* hamcrest-1.1-build.patch
+ renamed to hamcrest-1.3-build.patch
* hamcrest-1.1-no-jarjar.patch
+ renamed to hamcrest-1.3-no-jarjar.patch
* hamcrest-1.1-no-integration.patch
+ renamed to hamcrest-1.3-no-integration.patch
- Added patches
* hamcrest-1.3-javadoc.patch
- Updated poms and added OSGI manifests from Fedora
Request History
mvyskocil created request
NOT-FOR-OPENSUSE-13.1, this needs to be done in order to upgrade junit4
- Update to 1.3
bugfix and feature update, see CHANGES.txt for details
- Removed patches
* hamcrest-1.1-build.patch
+ renamed to hamcrest-1.3-build.patch
* hamcrest-1.1-no-jarjar.patch
+ renamed to hamcrest-1.3-no-jarjar.patch
* hamcrest-1.1-no-integration.patch
+ renamed to hamcrest-1.3-no-integration.patch
- Added patches
* hamcrest-1.3-javadoc.patch
- Updated poms and added OSGI manifests from Fedora
factory-auto added a reviewer
Please review sources
factory-auto accepted review
Check script succeeded
factory-auto added a reviewer
Please review build success
licensedigger accepted review
{"approve": "preliminary, version number changed"}
factory-repo-checker accepted review
Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory
a_jaeger accepted review
a_jaeger approved review
scarabeus_factory accepted request
checkin to openSUSE:Factory only