
Request 204445 superseded

- fix xfce4-power-manager-systemd-suspend-hibernate-suport.patch so
that it handles cases where CanSuspend/CanHibernate returns
"challenge", this is consitent behavior with xfce4-session

Request History
Guido Berhoerster's avatar

gberh created request

- fix xfce4-power-manager-systemd-suspend-hibernate-suport.patch so
that it handles cases where CanSuspend/CanHibernate returns
"challenge", this is consitent behavior with xfce4-session

Guido Berhoerster's avatar

gberh superseded request

- fix xfce4-power-manager-systemd-suspend-hibernate-suport.patch so
that it handles cases where CanSuspend/CanHibernate returns
"challenge", this is consitent behavior with xfce4-session

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