
Request 207593 accepted

- openscap-1.0.0 / 19-11-2013
- Improved heuristic to distinguish 'local' and 'remote' file systems
- Improved comparison of EntityStateEVRStringType (trac#355)
- Link against librpm (if available) to include rpmvercmp
(on other platforms we fall back to the build-in rpmvercmp)
- Bug fixes
- openscap-0.9.13 / 08-11-2013
- Moved SCE to separate shared library (libopenscap_sce.so)
- Introduction of scap-as-rpm tool
- Improvements of sql and sql57 probes
- Improvements of SELinux policy
- Amendments based on SCAP 1.2 Errata (sp800-126r2-errata-20120409.pdf)
- Minor improvements in state_entity processing
- Introduction of CPE name for Fedora 21 to the internal dictionary
- Added support for ind-def:pid/@xsi:nil (rhbz#1013011)
- Improved error reporting
- Bug fixes
- Changed CPE name regex to be more permissive
- avoided reports from the library to the stdout and stderr
- plugged several memory leaks
- improved xccdf:check-content-refs processing
- misspelling in syslog message (rhbz#1021695)
- fixed OVAL's element processing
- fixes based on static analysers
- test suite is locale independent
- new library major version 8

Request History
Marcus Meissner's avatar

msmeissn created request

- openscap-1.0.0 / 19-11-2013
- Improved heuristic to distinguish 'local' and 'remote' file systems
- Improved comparison of EntityStateEVRStringType (trac#355)
- Link against librpm (if available) to include rpmvercmp
(on other platforms we fall back to the build-in rpmvercmp)
- Bug fixes
- openscap-0.9.13 / 08-11-2013
- Moved SCE to separate shared library (libopenscap_sce.so)
- Introduction of scap-as-rpm tool
- Improvements of sql and sql57 probes
- Improvements of SELinux policy
- Amendments based on SCAP 1.2 Errata (sp800-126r2-errata-20120409.pdf)
- Minor improvements in state_entity processing
- Introduction of CPE name for Fedora 21 to the internal dictionary
- Added support for ind-def:pid/@xsi:nil (rhbz#1013011)
- Improved error reporting
- Bug fixes
- Changed CPE name regex to be more permissive
- avoided reports from the library to the stdout and stderr
- plugged several memory leaks
- improved xccdf:check-content-refs processing
- misspelling in syslog message (rhbz#1021695)
- fixed OVAL's element processing
- fixes based on static analysers
- test suite is locale independent
- new library major version 8

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

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Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

Please review build success

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "preliminary, version number changed"}

Factory Repo Checker's avatar

factory-repo-checker accepted review

Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar accepted review


Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar approved review


Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo accepted request

checkin to openSUSE:Factory only

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