
Request 208194 accepted

- Update to version For more details see changelog.txt and
* The Broadcast actions have been corrected:
- --dst-type BROADCAST has been removed from the IPv6 version
- A superfluous DROP rule in the IPv4 version has been
* Previously, if an HFSC class was specified with dmax but not
umax, then the firewall would fail to start with the messages:
Nov 14 13:42:42 Setting up Traffic Control...
HFSC: Illegal "umax"
HFSC: Illegal "sc"
ERROR: Command "tc class add dev eth1 parent 1:1 classid
1:110 hfsc sc umax b dmax 150ms rate 1575kbit ul rate 3150kbit"
That problem has been corrected.
* The tcrules file now supports DROP entries to allow early
dropping of DOS packets.

Request History
Togan Muftuoglu's avatar

toganm created request

- Update to version For more details see changelog.txt and
* The Broadcast actions have been corrected:
- --dst-type BROADCAST has been removed from the IPv6 version
- A superfluous DROP rule in the IPv4 version has been
* Previously, if an HFSC class was specified with dmax but not
umax, then the firewall would fail to start with the messages:
Nov 14 13:42:42 Setting up Traffic Control...
HFSC: Illegal "umax"
HFSC: Illegal "sc"
ERROR: Command "tc class add dev eth1 parent 1:1 classid
1:110 hfsc sc umax b dmax 150ms rate 1575kbit ul rate 3150kbit"
That problem has been corrected.
* The tcrules file now supports DROP entries to allow early
dropping of DOS packets.

Togan Muftuoglu's avatar

toganm accepted request

reviewed OK

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