
Request 224356 accepted

- New upstream version 1.2.0
* detailed changelog at http://blog.lxde.org/?p=1082
- Removed build compatibility with discontinued versions (<= 12.2)
- Disabled debug on configure to improve performance
- Fixed typo in %{?_smp_mflags} macro
- Built against GKT2 to override GTK3 issues
* in a conversation with one of the developers, we concluded that it is better to stick to GTK2 at the moment
- Splitted lang package
- LXShortcut is now built as a subpackage

Request History
jc sl's avatar

jcsl created request

- New upstream version 1.2.0
* detailed changelog at http://blog.lxde.org/?p=1082
- Removed build compatibility with discontinued versions (<= 12.2)
- Disabled debug on configure to improve performance
- Fixed typo in %{?_smp_mflags} macro
- Built against GKT2 to override GTK3 issues
* in a conversation with one of the developers, we concluded that it is better to stick to GTK2 at the moment
- Splitted lang package
- LXShortcut is now built as a subpackage

andrea florio's avatar

anubisg1 accepted request

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