
Request 226811 accepted

- update to Firefox 28.0 (bnc#868603)
* MFSA 2014-15/CVE-2014-1493/CVE-2014-1494
Miscellaneous memory safety hazards
* MFSA 2014-17/CVE-2014-1497 (bmo#966311)
Out of bounds read during WAV file decoding
* MFSA 2014-18/CVE-2014-1498 (bmo#935618)
crypto.generateCRMFRequest does not validate type of key
* MFSA 2014-19/CVE-2014-1499 (bmo#961512)
Spoofing attack on WebRTC permission prompt
* MFSA 2014-20/CVE-2014-1500 (bmo#956524)
onbeforeunload and Javascript navigation DOS
* MFSA 2014-22/CVE-2014-1502 (bmo#972622)
WebGL content injection from one domain to rendering in another
* MFSA 2014-23/CVE-2014-1504 (bmo#911547)
Content Security Policy for data: documents not preserved by
session restore
* MFSA 2014-26/CVE-2014-1508 (bmo#963198)
Information disclosure through polygon rendering in MathML
* MFSA 2014-27/CVE-2014-1509 (bmo#966021)
Memory corruption in Cairo during PDF font rendering
* MFSA 2014-28/CVE-2014-1505 (bmo#941887)
SVG filters information disclosure through feDisplacementMap
* MFSA 2014-29/CVE-2014-1510/CVE-2014-1511 (bmo#982906, bmo#982909)
Privilege escalation using WebIDL-implemented APIs
* MFSA 2014-30/CVE-2014-1512 (bmo#982957)
Use-after-free in TypeObject
* MFSA 2014-31/CVE-2014-1513 (bmo#982974)
Out-of-bounds read/write through neutering ArrayBuffer objects
* MFSA 2014-32/CVE-2014-1514 (bmo#983344)
Out-of-bounds write through TypedArrayObject after neutering

Request History
Wolfgang Rosenauer's avatar

wrosenauer created request

- update to Firefox 28.0 (bnc#868603)
* MFSA 2014-15/CVE-2014-1493/CVE-2014-1494
Miscellaneous memory safety hazards
* MFSA 2014-17/CVE-2014-1497 (bmo#966311)
Out of bounds read during WAV file decoding
* MFSA 2014-18/CVE-2014-1498 (bmo#935618)
crypto.generateCRMFRequest does not validate type of key
* MFSA 2014-19/CVE-2014-1499 (bmo#961512)
Spoofing attack on WebRTC permission prompt
* MFSA 2014-20/CVE-2014-1500 (bmo#956524)
onbeforeunload and Javascript navigation DOS
* MFSA 2014-22/CVE-2014-1502 (bmo#972622)
WebGL content injection from one domain to rendering in another
* MFSA 2014-23/CVE-2014-1504 (bmo#911547)
Content Security Policy for data: documents not preserved by
session restore
* MFSA 2014-26/CVE-2014-1508 (bmo#963198)
Information disclosure through polygon rendering in MathML
* MFSA 2014-27/CVE-2014-1509 (bmo#966021)
Memory corruption in Cairo during PDF font rendering
* MFSA 2014-28/CVE-2014-1505 (bmo#941887)
SVG filters information disclosure through feDisplacementMap
* MFSA 2014-29/CVE-2014-1510/CVE-2014-1511 (bmo#982906, bmo#982909)
Privilege escalation using WebIDL-implemented APIs
* MFSA 2014-30/CVE-2014-1512 (bmo#982957)
Use-after-free in TypeObject
* MFSA 2014-31/CVE-2014-1513 (bmo#982974)
Out-of-bounds read/write through neutering ArrayBuffer objects
* MFSA 2014-32/CVE-2014-1514 (bmo#983344)
Out-of-bounds write through TypedArrayObject after neutering

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

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Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

Pick Staging Project

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

Please review build success

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "version update 27.0.1 -> 28.0 covered by ldb"}

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo accepted review

Factory Repo Checker's avatar

factory-repo-checker accepted review

Builds for repo openSUSE_Factory

Sascha Peilicke's avatar

saschpe approved review

Sascha Peilicke's avatar

saschpe accepted review

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo accepted request


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