
Request 227259 superseded

- Port valid patches from SLE-11
see bnc#832386
patches and their related bugs:
gvfs-support-nop-ftruncate.patch: bnc466794 bgo573837
gvfs-no-useless-x-flags.patch: bnc538069
gvfs-obexftp-allow-push-cancel.patch: bnc656452

Request History
Chao Xiong's avatar

cxiong created request

- Port valid patches from SLE-11
see bnc#832386
patches and their related bugs:
gvfs-support-nop-ftruncate.patch: bnc466794 bgo573837
gvfs-no-useless-x-flags.patch: bnc538069
gvfs-obexftp-allow-push-cancel.patch: bnc656452

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar superseded request

GNOME 3.12.0 incoming

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