
Request 227643 accepted

- Update to version 3.12.0:
+ New Features:
- NoteDirectoryWatcher plugin interval is now configurable.
- Import plugins are enabled by default and auto-disabled after
import (bgo#723635).
- Plugins are now checked for compatibility with Gnote.
+ Updated translations.
- Drop gnote-enable-tomboy-migration.patch: Fixed upstream.
- Bump soname following upstream changes.

by default (bnc#862246, bgo#723635).

Request History
Bjørn Lie's avatar

Zaitor created request

- Update to version 3.12.0:
+ New Features:
- NoteDirectoryWatcher plugin interval is now configurable.
- Import plugins are enabled by default and auto-disabled after
import (bgo#723635).
- Plugins are now checked for compatibility with Gnote.
+ Updated translations.
- Drop gnote-enable-tomboy-migration.patch: Fixed upstream.
- Bump soname following upstream changes.

by default (bnc#862246, bgo#723635).

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar accepted request

ok (mixed about the 'bump soname'... but it's not wrong :P )

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