
Request 240147 superseded

- change URL to new location

- provide short module name

- Update to version 4.2.5
- remove mod_wsgi-3.4-connsbh.patch - included in upstream version
- remove mod_wsgi-setuid-patch.diff - included in upstream version
- No longer support the use of mod_python in conjunction with
- Adding a lot of new configuration option
- fix off-by-one error in setgroups (bnc#883229)

- fix Local privilege escalation (bnc#878550)

Request History
Michael Calmer's avatar

mcalmer created request

- change URL to new location

- provide short module name

- Update to version 4.2.5
- remove mod_wsgi-3.4-connsbh.patch - included in upstream version
- remove mod_wsgi-setuid-patch.diff - included in upstream version
- No longer support the use of mod_python in conjunction with
- Adding a lot of new configuration option
- fix off-by-one error in setgroups (bnc#883229)

- fix Local privilege escalation (bnc#878550)

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined review

Output of check script:
ERROR: Failed to download "https://github.com/GrahamDumpleton/mod_wsgi/archive/mod_wsgi-4.2.5.tar.gz"
Source URLs are not valid. Try "osc service localrun download_files"

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined request

Output of check script:
ERROR: Failed to download "https://github.com/GrahamDumpleton/mod_wsgi/archive/mod_wsgi-4.2.5.tar.gz"
Source URLs are not valid. Try "osc service localrun download_files"

Michael Calmer's avatar

mcalmer superseded request

superseded by 240300

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