
Request 253174 superseded

- Re-enabled gcrypt plugin and reverted to not enforce fips again
as this breaks gcrypt and openssl plugins when the fips pattern
option is not installed (fate#316931,bnc#856322).
[- fips-disablegcrypt.patch]
- Added empty strongswan-hmac package supposed to provide fips hmac
files and enforce fips compliant operation later (bnc#856322).
- Cleaned up conditional build flags in the rpm spec file.

Request History
Marius Tomaschewski's avatar

mtomaschewski created request

- Re-enabled gcrypt plugin and reverted to not enforce fips again
as this breaks gcrypt and openssl plugins when the fips pattern
option is not installed (fate#316931,bnc#856322).
[- fips-disablegcrypt.patch]
- Added empty strongswan-hmac package supposed to provide fips hmac
files and enforce fips compliant operation later (bnc#856322).
- Cleaned up conditional build flags in the rpm spec file.

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined review

Output of check script:
A Patch (strongswan-fips-disablegcrypt.patch) is being deleted without this removal being referenced in the changelog.

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto declined request

Output of check script:
A Patch (strongswan-fips-disablegcrypt.patch) is being deleted without this removal being referenced in the changelog.

Marius Tomaschewski's avatar

mtomaschewski superseded request

superseded by 262598

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