
Request 287536 accepted

Please get this some exposure in d:l:p to see if it results in new issues; in oS:F, this package is currently build disabled so it stays as a swig 3.0.4 generated one... but that can't stay like this forever of course... with this patch, the package crda builds again when python-M2Crypto is built using swig 3.0.5...

Request History
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar created request

Please get this some exposure in d:l:p to see if it results in new issues; in oS:F, this package is currently build disabled so it stays as a swig 3.0.4 generated one... but that can't stay like this forever of course... with this patch, the package crda builds again when python-M2Crypto is built using swig 3.0.5...

Alberto Planas Dominguez's avatar

aplanas accepted request

LGTM, lets test

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