
Request 289870 superseded

- fix apache access problems in squidguardmgr.http/.conf
- add DirectoryIndex to squidguardmgr.cgi
- add user wwwrun to squid so squidguardmgr has access to
squidguard.conf (requires squid >= 3.4.10)

Request History
Eric Schirra's avatar

ecsos created request

- fix apache access problems in squidguardmgr.http/.conf
- add DirectoryIndex to squidguardmgr.cgi
- add user wwwrun to squid so squidguardmgr has access to
squidguard.conf (requires squid >= 3.4.10)

Lars Vogdt's avatar

lrupp declined request

I agree in general - but what about a Requires(pre): apache2 ?

Otherwise this might fail on a new installed machine...

Eric Schirra's avatar

ecsos reopened request

Requires apache2 is in spec.
Requires: apache2 <--------
Requires: perl(CGI)
Recommends: squidGuard
Recommends: squidclamav
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: squid >= 3.4.10
BuildRequires: squidGuard

Lars Vogdt's avatar

lrupp declined request

Thanks - but still missing a "Requires(pre): apache2" in the spec.

A simple "Requires: apache2" alone will not result in apache2 (and therefor the apache2 user wwwrun) being present during the installation of the squidguardmgr package. The result would be a broken installation of this package.

=> declined, sorry.

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