
Request 294732 superseded

- Move openSUSE-appstream-process definition from
libzypp-plugin-appdata to appstream-glib: as appstream-glib
provides the actual code, it's much easier to update the
openSUSE-appstream-process script in the same package.

- Update to version 0.3.6+git.20150407:
+ trivial: post release version bump.
+ Build: link libasb_plugin_font.la with GTK3.
+ Allow using as_node_get_localized_unwrap() on unwrapped
description markup.
+ Remove --extra-appstream from the builder.
+ No longer set PaddedIcon.
+ trivial: Remove some unused code.
+ Add a mirror-screenshots command to appstream-util
+ Remove all networking support when building metadata.
+ Remove the extra screenshots and appdata options from the
+ Remove the batch output option from the builder.
+ Do not strip out the source screenshot when using
mirror-screenshots --nonet

Request History
Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar created request

- Move openSUSE-appstream-process definition from
libzypp-plugin-appdata to appstream-glib: as appstream-glib
provides the actual code, it's much easier to update the
openSUSE-appstream-process script in the same package.

- Update to version 0.3.6+git.20150407:
+ trivial: post release version bump.
+ Build: link libasb_plugin_font.la with GTK3.
+ Allow using as_node_get_localized_unwrap() on unwrapped
description markup.
+ Remove --extra-appstream from the builder.
+ No longer set PaddedIcon.
+ trivial: Remove some unused code.
+ Add a mirror-screenshots command to appstream-util
+ Remove all networking support when building metadata.
+ Remove the extra screenshots and appdata options from the
+ Remove the batch output option from the builder.
+ Do not strip out the source screenshot when using
mirror-screenshots --nonet

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar superseded request

superseded by 294741

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