
Request 308636 superseded

- update to version 0.10.5
- Added --disable-debug to distcheck rules, this will allow
building with autogen.sh --disable-debug on newer systems
- Do not use x-scheme-handler/file mimetype (bxo#7257)
- Escape URIs for exo-open (bxo#9912)
- File descriptor was never opened if < 0 (CID #85387)
- Reverted patches that broke window focus on startup
- Fix StartupNotify (bxo#9570)
- Fix implicit declaration of function 'xfce_spawn_on_screen'
- Translation updates

Request History
Guido Berhoerster's avatar

gberh created request

- update to version 0.10.5
- Added --disable-debug to distcheck rules, this will allow
building with autogen.sh --disable-debug on newer systems
- Do not use x-scheme-handler/file mimetype (bxo#7257)
- Escape URIs for exo-open (bxo#9912)
- File descriptor was never opened if < 0 (CID #85387)
- Reverted patches that broke window focus on startup
- Fix StartupNotify (bxo#9570)
- Fix implicit declaration of function 'xfce_spawn_on_screen'
- Translation updates

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added factory-repo-checker as a reviewer

Please review build success

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

Factory Repo Checker's avatar

factory-repo-checker accepted review

Builds for repo X11:xfce/openSUSE_Factory

Guido Berhoerster's avatar

gberh superseded request

superseded by 308659

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