Request 314502 superseded
- Bring back zlib-devel-static. Needed by binutils
- Remove zlib-devel-static, nothing should use libz.a anyway.
- Package minizip library, everything using it should now pull
minizip-devel and unbundle it bnc#935864
- Created by scarabeus_iv
- In state superseded
- Superseded by 316403
Request History
scarabeus_iv created request
- Bring back zlib-devel-static. Needed by binutils
- Remove zlib-devel-static, nothing should use libz.a anyway.
- Package minizip library, everything using it should now pull
minizip-devel and unbundle it bnc#935864
licensedigger accepted review
factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer
Please review sources
factory-auto added factory-repo-checker as a reviewer
Please review build success
factory-auto accepted review
Check script succeeded
factory-repo-checker accepted review
Builds for repo devel:libraries:c_c++/pure_factory
mrdocs accepted review
coolo set openSUSE:Factory:Staging:A as a staging project
Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:A"
coolo accepted review
Picked openSUSE:Factory:Staging:A
coolo declined request
zlib-devel-static used to require zlib-devel - removing this require breaks sash and I see no good reason to remove it, so declining
scarabeus_iv reopened request
The static subpackage is there so what the ... is your problem?
dimstar declined review
your tone is inappropriate
as coolo stated: %{name}-devel-static used to require %{name}-devel and you no longer do this.
%package devel-static
-Summary: Include Files and Libraries mandatory for Development
+Summary: Static lib for libz1 library
Group: Development/Languages/C and C++
-Requires: %{name}-devel = %{version}
Provides: %{name}-devel:%{_libdir}/libz.a
and this, despite it being a CLEAR requirement according the packaging guideline... go read them and adjust your attitude, please.
to make it eay for you, here the quote from the packaing guidelines:
"Static libraries must be placed in a *-devel-static subpackage, which Requires the *-devel subpackage. Separating the static libraries from the other development files in *-devel allow us to track this usage by checking which packages BuildRequire the *-devel-static package. The intent is that, whenever possible, packages will move away from using these static libraries, to the shared libraries. When a package only provides static libraries, skip the Requires on the *-devel subpackage. Packages which explicitly need to link against the static version must then BuildRequire: foo-devel-static, so that the usage can be tracked. "
the point here is: whatecer buildrequires -devel-static must also have the headers avaialble.. which sounds obvious.
dimstar declined request
your tone is inappropriate
as coolo stated: %{name}-devel-static used to require %{name}-devel and you no longer do this.
%package devel-static
-Summary: Include Files and Libraries mandatory for Development
+Summary: Static lib for libz1 library
Group: Development/Languages/C and C++
-Requires: %{name}-devel = %{version}
Provides: %{name}-devel:%{_libdir}/libz.a
and this, despite it being a CLEAR requirement according the packaging guideline... go read them and adjust your attitude, please.
to make it eay for you, here the quote from the packaing guidelines:
"Static libraries must be placed in a *-devel-static subpackage, which Requires the *-devel subpackage. Separating the static libraries from the other development files in *-devel allow us to track this usage by checking which packages BuildRequire the *-devel-static package. The intent is that, whenever possible, packages will move away from using these static libraries, to the shared libraries. When a package only provides static libraries, skip the Requires on the *-devel subpackage. Packages which explicitly need to link against the static version must then BuildRequire: foo-devel-static, so that the usage can be tracked. "
the point here is: whatecer buildrequires -devel-static must also have the headers avaialble.. which sounds obvious.
scarabeus_iv superseded request
superseded by 316403